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Secret of entrepreneurial success

By: ajay pats

This articles briefly prepares right frame of mind required for success.
Let me take you back a few years when I first started life as an Internet Marketer. Upon encountering my first experience with a site that actually sells products on the Internet, sparks ignited and cogs turned in my mind as to how I could replicate the same procedure and start developing my services on the 'Net.

This was the turning point I knew that the Internet was the way to go and I just had to become a part of it. Dollar signs were in my eyes and my goal from that point on would be to learn everything I could about this new and fascinating discovery.

Being wet behind the ears at this time and not really having a clue as to what was going on, I bravely entered the world of Internet Marketing with wide eyes and an open mind, not realizing what I was getting myself into.

I'm sure some of you are at the exact same point in your lives right now. You've seen the potential for the Internet, you've heard the stories of success that have been told a thousand times over. Now you want to concentrate on something for yourself. Your own product or service. Your own online marketing venture. Your own creation.

Well, congratulations. You have reached step one. But it's where you go from here that will make a whole truckload of difference.

Let me be blunt. Internet Marketing is not easy. It's a very time-consuming and bumpy journey. There are mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned. The myth of "build it and they will come" is just that. A myth. It doesn't apply in the virtual world. Instead, the correct phrase is "work hard and you will achieve."

The purpose of this article is to give you some insight in developing the right frame of mind and attitude needed before venturing into this hard, yet very rewarding and exciting business environment.

Believe me, I'm preaching from experience. It's only recently that I finally learned to put the pieces together and realized EXACTLY what I had been doing wrong.

Here is what I learned...

The Internet is still very much in it's infancy. Although billions of dollars in profits are being made every year online, no one has really found out the exact in's and out's of online marketing. Even the "gurus" are learning something new every day. What you'll need to learn isn't taught in any school or college. It really is THAT new.

When you go into Internet marketing, you're venturing into a realm with no official rules on "what" exactly you should be doing. It took me over two years to find out what it is that I need to do.

Look before you leap. Learn everything you can about Internet marketing. "Work like crazy" is the best way to put it.

Insomnia is probably an Internet marketer's most common problem. While I'm spending the early hours of the morning still tapping away at the computer, from another room in my house I've got the family screeching in my ear "Turn off that damn machine!"

The Internet is a drug. I mean it. Once you start, you're hooked. And there's no turning back. To top it off, passing out at 3-4 a.m. every morning, then having to wake at 7 a.m. doesn't do anyone any good.

That's why you MUST be productive. The Internet is a mass of information that will overwhelm you at any given moment if given the chance. You're not expected to learn the whole concept of Internet marketing in one day, so get some sleep!

Seriously, no one really talks about "sleep and the Internet marketer." They pass the late nights/early mornings off as the "norm." (Yes, even the headache that follows in the morning.) Don't let this same happen to you. Take the "early to bed, early to rise" pproach. I recently started this routine and it's so much better: Asleep by 11 p.m., awake at 7 a.m. It works wonders!


Self-Motivation and Dedication

SM & D are the absolute top-dogs of success. The common denominator of my marketing success would have to be attributed to the fact that I always maintain a strong sense of motivation and dedication.

If you take a look at ANY success story and grasp the one element of similarity between them, you'll notice that virtually EVERY self-made, successful person has this one super-important object of success in their mind.


I tell you now, in complete honesty, that this is the absolute most important thing you will ever have. If you've got the white-hot desire to succeed, and if you'd do anything to reach your goal without even CONSIDERING for one single millisecond the thought of quitting, then you're miles ahead of the rest.

I could easily fill up 500 pages of information on this topic alone, but I won't. Instead, I'm going to give you some recommended reading.

Head over to and search for the following two books:

* Think & Grow Rich

* Striking it Rich

They're only a few bucks each, and as stated on the front cover of "Think & Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, "this book could be worth a million dollars to you." I'll let Mr. Hill take it from this point, and I'll leave you with one simple formula that works time after time, and which is the reason behind creating many successful people:

Burning Desire + Dedication = GUARANTEED SUCCESS

You CAN and WILL succeed

I'm telling you, you CAN and WILL succeed. This goes with anything in your life, not just Internet marketing. What counts is your frame of mind.

Age, location, ethnic origin, gender, or any other individuality have absolutely no part in your success.

To put this idea into perspective, I'll tell you a little about myself. I first started online marketing while still in my early teens. Since I was 14 or 15 years old, I've had the desire to become successful.

It took months of convincing my friends and family that Internet marketing was actually a real thing. When I tell people that many Internet marketers (including myself) are earning in excess of thousands of dollars every MONTH online, you can sense their skepticism by the tone of their voices.

However, I never for one second let their negative, disbelieving attitude, or my age and location, get in the way of my goal. My goal was to become a successful Internet Marketer, and that's what I did.

The big names (I say big names, and NOT big companies) are earning in excess of tens of thousands of dollars every month.

The figures are baffling. This isn't one of those never-true chain-letter scams.

We're now living in a world where it's possible. Owning a legitimate and successful online business is one of the most rewarding things you can ever do. It's not just about the money, it's the fact that you get to converse with people all around the world who become your friends. You also have the freedom of a lifestyle that you could only dream of before the Internet.

I'm not telling you this to brag, or even to knock your current situation. I'm telling you this because I KNOW that if you work hard, you have a genuine desire for success, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this, that you CAN and WILL succeed.

Do yourself a favor. Read the recommended books I told you about earlier in this article and give yourself a genuine reason why you want to succeed. If you work at something enough, you never know, it might just happen.

Best of success to you.

About the Author

Ajay Patole is a qualified management professional working as sales manager and runs a site 'Venturemall',a cool hangout to play money games,buy and sell in auctions,date and photochat.It is available at URL and newsletter to rediscover true colors of life at he runs a community 'Venturecon', for entrepreneurs which is available at URL

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