Auction Articles

Will You Be the Next Virtual Real Estate Millionaire?

By: David Isaacs

Copyright 2004 Dave Isaacs

Have you heard the term Virtual Real Estate?

This is a buzz word or catch phrase commonly used by
renowned traffic guru, John Reese. If you haven't yet
heard of it, then mark my words and take note, you WILL be
hearing a lot about it in the coming weeks, months and

Virtual Real Estate, or VRE as it is commonly known, is a
marketing technique used to profit from your website
traffic. This term is derived from using the space
(virtual real estate) on your webpages for the purpose of
inserting pay-per-click advertising, such as with Google

For example, here's how Google Adsense can be used to
generate an online income...

This is a pure content site that does not promote a single
affiliat product. But notice how Google ads are interweaved
within the content of each page? This makes the ads more
relevant to what the visitor is looking for and as a
result, the reader is more likely to click on the links to
gain more information about his topic.

And here's the good part... everytime someone clicks on
one of these links the site owner generates an income. The
level of income is determined by a number of factors, of
which the most important factor is the price that the
advertiser was willing to pay for each click-thru as you
earn a percentage of this amount.

You can get more detailed information about how Google
Adsense works by taking the quick guide tour at...

For the next few years internet marketing is about to
experience an explosion of the likes not seen before and it
will all be centered around Virtual Real Estate. And just
as with property real estate, there will be many
millionaires created from Virtual Real Estate.

The only question you need to ask yourself is... do you
want to be part of it? Do you want to begin making huge
sums of money from one of the most opportunistic and
exciting times in internet marketing history?

The growth of internet marketing in the last few years has
been phenomenal as more and more people join the queue in
an effort to supplement their existing income. As a result
thousands of new marketers are looking for the fastest and
most cost effective methods to drive traffic to their
websites to either generate sales or leads (most times

While organic search engine traffic is still the most
effective method available for generating free traffic,
it can take many months, even years, before you begin to
see results (if any at all). New marketers simple haven't
got the luxury of waiting this long. In order to survive
they need traffic cheap... and they need it now!

So the next best option of grabbing the fastest and
cheapest traffic is via online advertising, as provided
by various pay-per-click auctions. This option is quickly
becoming the number one method of traffic generation on
the net as it is a fantastic medium for generating instant
targeted traffic/leads for virtually any niche market on
the planet.

However, as with any business, price is determined by
supply and demand and as such the open market sets the
price. In other words, the greater the demand... the
greater the price. We are now seeing the effects of this
struggle between supply and demand as people are becoming
more and more willing to pay a higher price for each
keyword so they can keep one step ahead of the competition.

As a result of this competition, this traffic (leads)
are only going to become more and more valuable, which
means the in.come generated from each keyword is also going
to become more valuable. The smart marketers quickly
realized this and have been effectively using Google
Adsense to generate huge sums of mon.ey on a monthly basis.

But the real beauty about this technique is that it's
totally hands-free and can be set up to run on complete
autopilot with minimal manual input. This leaves time for
you to do the things you want to do and not having to spend
countless hours in front of a computer screen handling
customer concerns, questions or complaints.

With the popularity of Google's AdSense program, Virtual
Real Estate is poised for major growth and there's never
been a better time to develop and create content-rich web
sites so that you can be well placed to grab a good size
helping of the Adsense marketing pie!

Not only that, but rumors are that Yahoo will shortly
release it's own pay-per-click version to combat the
success of Adsense. This means that even more profits will
be able to be gleaned from online advertising, but only if
you're ready for the profit onslaught!

The Virtual Real Estate Boom is coming... are you ready
for it?

Will you be the next Virtual Real Estate Millionaire? About the Author... Dave Isaacs is the co-author of "Your Journey to Freedom", an online marketing newsletter where even if you only went to school to eat your lunch, have no income and you're deep in debt, you can learn how to really succeed online...

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