
Sciatica commonly refers to a pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve and is typically felt in the buttocks, down the back of the leg and possibly to the foot. Sciatica is one of the most common forms of  back pain caused by compression of the sciatica nerve from a herniated disc or piriformis syndrome. Often the leg pain often feels much worse than the back pain. Numbness, tingling, and a burning or prickling sensation in the back of the legs are also common symptoms.

Sciatica is actually a symptom and not disease. The term literally means that a patient has pain down the leg from compression on the sciatic nerve. Usually a herniated disc causes the sciatic pain. Most cases of sciatica are caused by a simple irritation to the nerve and will get better with time. However, a small number of sciatica cases may be due to a permanently injured nerve. This is particularly true if weakness or numbness is present in the back or the leg. Your doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist should give you back pain stretches and exercises to help you get back pain relief.


Article courtesy of Steve Hefferon and Jesse Cannone of www.losethebackpain.com. Get the facts on sciatica that your not getting from your doctor... free access to back pain articles, information, and research.

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