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Aging Playboys and Aging Wussies

By: Elvis Preston King

Even the Mayo Clinic can't stop oncoming age for even the most wealthy and successful people.

The real sad truth is aging is slowly killing the Playboys and the Wussies. The two top playboys in order of fame are Hugh Hefner at 79 years old and Elvis Preston King at 55. 

The two top playboys turned Wussie are in order of fame…Donald Trump age 59 and Larry Ellison age 60 and pushing 61 in August. They gave it all up and got married. How boring. 

Gentlemen I suggest you read “Aging: What to expect as you get older from the” Believe me gentlemen it isn’t pretty.  

The biggest fear that keeps your king up at night is… will I be able to make love to all my girls? (Your author holds the world record of the most seductions of 18 year old chics of any man on the planet.) 

The following is exactly what has me up at night: Impotence becomes more common in men as they age. By the time they’re 65, up to 25 percent of men have difficulty getting or keeping an erection about one in every four times they have sex. In others, it may take longer to get an erection, and it may not be as firm as it used to be. 

My secret to maintaining my erection is the same secret that successful baseball players use to achieve stardom. Practice, practice practice. I make love one to three times per day. I also eat what I call power foods. Of course I walk and pump small weight so that if I run into my old friend Sylvester Stallone I won’t be embarrassed. 

The sad thing is that the Mayo Clinic can’t do a thing for the playboys or the wussies because simply put science is about 100 years behind. There are no cures for many diseases including the disease of aging. 

President Bush put the brakes on stem cell research and cloning research that could have saved the baby boomers but we just lost 8 years more with the election of President Bush. Guaranteed. Seems like the president, the playboys and the wussies alike think that it will happen to somebody else but not to me. Many wealthy people like Larry Ellison and Elvis King think they can buy their way out of aging and death… but with science what it is today unfortunately you can call us goners eventually. Time is taking its toll. The only thing I can think of is for us to enjoy life the best we can every day and not save for the day that will never come. Live for today and get laid today. 

Elvis Preston King the Aging Seduction King…


Elvis Preston King is the world’s most renowned and respected playboy. His job is picking up and seducing classy young women globally for the gentleman conoseiur who realizes that there is more to life than just accumulating money and the same old same old boring wife. You can email him at  or visit  and

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