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Cash In On What More Than 1 Billion Surfers Want

By: Diana Barnum

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Content Desk Virtual Publishing Empire - Cashing
In On What More Than One Billion Surfers Want Most

Today, more than one billion* people surf the Internet. And that
number is growing. So is the amount of revenue being generated online.

For example, online advertising expenditures are targeted to
reach an estimated $11.6 billion by 2010, according to a forecast
from Forrester Research**, Inc., with ads specifically reaching
others via blogs and through RSS. And online spending from
average Internet users is predicted to generate revenues in 2006
of $1.8 billion and $1.7 billion just in the categories of online
games and digital music alone, according to a report by Jupiter
Media Metrix.

What draws people online to make these purchases? In a word,

“People want the sites that they visit to be information
resources, no matter what the subject,” said Jack Humphrey,
managing partner in the exclusive Content Desk Charter Members
publishing group. “Articles, reports, facts, tips, newsletters,
forums, blogs, audio, video, interviews, product reviews,
creative writing, public domain information, RSS and much more.”

Content Desk has a variety of tools to help members create and use
all types of content. The exclusive online community focuses on
four things; community, learning, technology and profits.

Report & Case Study: Sid Hale, jvAlert

“Creating good, relevant content has always been the biggest
problem in creating a web site that can attract and retain
visitors,” said Sid Hale, co-creator of jvAlert and charter
member of Content Desk. “With Content Desk's Content Site
Builder, I was able to quickly find article content for a new
site I had launched only a month earlier, and automate adding
that content to my site within just a few days. That included the
learning curve…”

Hale signed up immediately after reading a report written by
Humphrey entitled, "Building a Content Publishing Empire." Being
a content publisher and knowing how much work can be involved in
building content for a site, he felt the decision to join Content
Desk was a “no-brainer.” For a copy of the report and Hale’s case
study, both at no cost, contact: .

CONTENT DESK: Building A Content Publishing Empire

The Content Desk membership community communicates via their
private forum, conferences, teleconferences, email and support
desk. Some of their tools are downloads, while others are online
applications and knowledge shared through learning. Learning is
offered in the form of videos, articles, help texts, tutorials,
member sharing and seminars/workshops.

Content Desk membership fees go right back into development of
new software and tools so that members are always on the
cutting-edge and far ahead of all the "point-and-click" site
builders out there.


Cyber-brains behind the Content Desk scene are the “Power Trio;”
Jack Humphrey, Mark Braunstein, and Peter Lenkefi. These three
renowned visionaries found themselves smack dab in the middle of
the emerging, fledgling web publishing industry.

“Giving (website visitors) what they want is the first step in
building relationships rather than one-time visitors,” said
Humphrey. “We feel it is crazy to work hard on traffic that will
never come back to our sites. Especially if the only change we
need to make to those sites is adding good material that visitors
enjoy! First time visits are expensive. Repeat visits are


To help others learn more and earn more, Content Desk is hosting
a 3-day seminar / workshop in New Orleans from Sept. 9-11, 2005,
with a full year of support follow up afterwards. The focus is,
“How To Triple Your Income With Irresistible New Content
Publishing, Traffic Building and Sales Conversion Techniques -
The Three Proven Keys To Internet Success."

"Son of a gun, we're gonna have big fun, on the bayou…”

For more information, visit Mardi Gras To learn more about Content
Desk and check on the availability of limited openings at Content
Site Builder, visit . Join hundreds
of publishers and writers in creating and syndicating your
content at Content Propulsion Lab .
Visit for help.

* From “The Internet Transforms Modern Life,” by Steve Almasy,
CNN, June 29, 2005.

** The Forrester Research report includes data from an online
survey of 99 leading marketers and four forecasts: US Search
Marketing Spending, US Online Advertising And Marketing Spending,
US Email Marketing Spending and US Online Classifieds


By Diana Barnum, president of and CEO of . For more help with marketing, public
relations and writing, email
or call: (614) 529-9459.

Special Note: Content Desk members may substitute their own affiliate links in the article above, but the author byline needs to remain in tact.

About the Author


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