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Gripes, grumbling and Complaining about your Place of Work

By: Roger Riney

Does that go on at your place of work? Of course it does. It's very rare that it doesn't, especially where there is a lot of employees. A lot of gripes I hear about is the management and the pay. Those are the most favored of most employees it seems. Mine too as a matter of fact. Especially the pay.

I've worked for several employers in the past thirty four years counting my military service and it always seems that there is a top out limit on pay. Once I reached it, there was no more growth financially. Not even to compensate for the rising cost of living. So I enroll in classes and use a lot of my off time to get a better education to make myself a more valuable employee and still no raises or promotions. Most recently I've had to take a class just to ensure I keep the pay I already have because of pay reduction threats. A lot of my coworkers have already gotten a large drop in pay. What makes it so bad is, the corporation as a whole are making Hugh profits and the factory I work in is generating a large amount of those profits.

Well, they have a big reason to complain and they all do. But what good does it do? It does no good at all, because they are mostly complaining among themselves and not to the upper management. They fear that they will lose their jobs if they do try a little constructive complaining. Singlely there jobs will be threatened, but collectively they might do some good.
But then that will probably be considered a union by the corporation if they, or I should say we, united for the purpose of protecting our present pay.

So what else could a group of employees do? Nothing, that I can think of.
For one thing it will be like pulling teeth to get all the employees to stand against the corporation. Some of the employees just simply walked out at the first threat. Some have quit after their pay was cut. Most all of them fear that the corporation will close the doors to our place of work and move the whole thing somewhere else. As for myself I'll rather that they would close up and move before dropping my pay. Most like me have resumed their education to protect their pay. But even though we have done that we are still at the mercy of our managers and could possibly still be facing a pay cut. It's already been stated by management and management usually follows through with what they say.

I like my job, the people I work with, and the bosses aren't bad to work for either. So I'll continue working there in spite of the threats as long as they'll have me. I'll pray and hope that God will see me through it all and help me to at least maintain my level of pay if not an increase in pay.

So, what am I doing now beside taking classes to secure my level of pay?
I'm glad you asked. I've started in an Internet Affiliate Program with Strong Future International. SFI for short. They have all the tools, resources, training and websites that I use for free and guess what! They don't even charge people to sign up. Since I've stumbled onto SFI's business plan I've looked at dozens of other business opportunities that makes a lot of promises, but at the bottom of their long ads they finally tell you that you have to pay cash up front to sign up. They're trying to sell you an opportunity to make money and opportunities should not be sold. SFI not only have free sign ups, they also give you free websites to promote your products, and your affiliate program to build your downline with. They make their money by helping you build your own business. Not by selling you an opportunity. They offer free training that you can do at your convenience to help you build a strong future for yourself.

Let me ask you. Do you have to educate yourself to protect your pay? Attend classes in your off time? Having to spend more time away from home and family just to keep the pay level you have?
If you are having to do any of these than maybe its time that you start looking for others ways to insure your future. Because it just might be that your future with your company is starting to become weak or short.

Most employers now-a-days can't or even won't try to promise a secure future with them anymore. Soon more and more breadwinners will start looking at other ways to increase their income and secure their future. Many will become successful enough to quit their jobs and retire early because they decided to act on what they see going on around them. They decided to take matters into their own hands and out of the hands of their employers. Taking control of their own destiny.

I'm not being radical at all about pay-cuts and secure employment. If its not happening where you work right now, it possibly will soon. All you got to do is turn on the news or pick up a newspaper and see how the trend is going. Job losses because of downsizing, Operations shutting down and moving out of the country in favor of lower wage earners and increased profits. I very seldom listen to or read the news, but almost anytime I do I hear about pay-cuts and job losses.
No, I'm not being radical, just matter-of-fact. Corporate America is for "Corporate America and stockholders", not Americans. Even if your company is owned by a foreign corporation.

SFI can and will promise you a Secure and even a Strong Future if you're willing to put in a few extra hours of work each week. I'm not counting on my employer any longer for a dim unforseeable future. My future is brighter and yours can be too. Just sign up and find out for your self by clicking on Strong Future International . Count on yourself for your future, not your Boss. Now, is your opportunity to brighten your future and its free.

About the Author

Roger is an Internet Marketer affiliated with Strong Future Internation Marketing Group. You can read other articles by Roger Riney at

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