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How To Start Your Internet Business

By: Michael Tee

Starting an internet business may not be as hard as you think it is. You don’t have to be a computer whiz or a professional copywriter to start an online business. All you need is to put in a little hard work and research how others are doing it, and then do the same. Here is an example of how you can start an online business using the one page sales letter model.

You need to have:

A Product You Can Sell

This is where you choose a product you are going to market. You can bring a product into the market either by creating your own, purchasing resale rights or being an affiliate. An E-book is considered a good choice because it is easy to create and resale rights to some really good E-books could be easily obtained. The good thing about E-books is that it is in electronic form so you would not have to worry about the cost of delivering goods and it is the fastest way to have a product that you can sell.

A Domain Name

If you are serious about building your online business, you should be investing in a good domain name. Having a good domain name will create an impression that you are taking your business seriously and it would give your website some extra credibility. It would be wise to choose a descriptive domain name for your website. If your product is about building an online business, you might want to consider including the word “internet” or “home-business” in your domain name. A domain name can be registered at

A Credit Card Processing System

Accepting payment through your website is an important part of doing business on the Internet. You are losing a great amount of business if you're not accepting online payments and processing orders online. Studies have shown you can increase your online sales up to 400% simply by accepting credit cards. In addition, you can increase your sales further by offering a combination of payment options.
Here are some services you might want to consider:

iBill – –

PayPal –

ClickBank –

A Follow-Up Autoresponder System

As soon as your website is up and running, there would be visitors viewing your sales letter and chances are they are not going to buy your product the first time they visit your site. You will find it important to collect prospects email address when they leave because if you don’t, they are going to click away without saving your web address and they are gone forever and they will forget your site ever existed. This is why you need a great follow up system so you can remind opt-in prospects about your product and why they should buy from you. To build a good follow up system, you will need an autoresponder. An autoresponder is a program or service that you can use to send your prospects a series of follow-up emails or updates about your product at anytime you want.
You can find some really good services here.

Web Site

This is where your sales letter is displayed. A good sales letter is usually made of a few main parts: the headline, testimonial, about the product, benefits, guarantee and the payment section. The headline is the first thing people will see when they visit your website, so choose your words carefully. A good sales letter should provide reasons why the potential customer should buy from you, pay the price you want and why should they buy the product from you now. You can create value and build trust with your prospect by displaying testimonials because it will assure your visitors that your product works. Last but not least, you should provide a money back guarantee to put your potential customers’ mind at ease, not only you would completely eliminate all risks, you will also build credibility and their confidence in you and your product.

A Good Web Host

Choosing a good web host could be a daunting task. There are countless web host providers out there that you can find on the internet. Here are a few aspects to look out for when looking for a good web host.

1. Server Space

2. Technical Support

3. Up-Time Guarantee

4. Email Accounts

Write down what you need, and then choose the best deal out there. Do remember the principle “what you pay for is what you get”. If you get it too cheaply, chances are they are cutting cost else where or they are charging for additional services.

About the Author

Find out how you can FULLY set up and run your own internet business within a few days at
Visit E-Biz Wiz Blog for proven ideas, tips and information on starting your own Internet Business and subscribe to the 12 Day Internet Marketing Success Course.

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