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Learn From The Pros:‘How To Make Over $20,000 Per Month’

By: Diana Barnum

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Learn From The Pros:
‘How To Make Over $20,000 Per Month’

Internet marketers (IM), webmasters, writers,
business owners and many others, from beginners to experts in
their industries, are gathering not only in a membership site
online, but in New Orleans. Their goal is to learn how to earn
more than $20,000 per month. And their instructors will be top IM
pros who’ve “been there, done that” and still ARE doing that.

“If other information is available…including the experiences of
others, tap into it,” said leading business consultant and former
West Point Class President Scott Snair.*

Snair was referring to the first step in understanding the secret
of good tactics and good timing. And that’s what Content Desk is
all about.

An Internet content syndication center and a source of
high-quality, targeted content for webmasters, Content Desk has a
variety of tools to help members create and use all types of
content from articles, reports, facts, tips, newsletters and
forums, to blogs, audio, video, interviews, product reviews,
creative writing, public domain information, RSS and much more.
The exclusive online community focuses on four things; community,
learning, technology and profits.

Charter member William (AKA tecHead) Frazier shared his
experience with Content Desk.

BRIEF INTERVIEW WITH: William (tecHead) Frazier

1. How did you learn about Content Desk & what made you decide
to sign up?

I learned about Content Desk from Jack Humphrey (managing partner
in the exclusive Content Desk Charter Members publishing group).
He explained to me that he was building a community of like
minded individuals focused on Content Site building and asked if
I'd be interested.

I'm a very spiritual person and what made me sign up was the
positive 'vibe' I got from Jack. Just that simple. :)

2. Please share how you’ve successfully used the tools in
Content Desk / Content Site Builder so far…

I guess the most valuable asset I've realized (and used) from CD
are the people and the dialog that ensues on the forum. I've used
this information to further my own research for PUSHlogs (my own
product) and gear my studies in a direction not selfishly
motivated; but rather accentuated by the voices of those in the

3. If there are any future plans you could share; i.e. what
you look forward to using Content Desk Publishing Group?

I plan on continuing to do what I've been doing. Sitting back and
listening/reading and learning what the concerns of the people
are. I'll then continue to translate that knowledge to possible
solution scenarios geared towards the Content Site Builder
through PUSHlogs; and possibly other tools.

4. Any sites your could share with readers?

Well, its pretty obvious that my absolute favorite site is... (PUSHlogs).

...right now, lol. I mean, PR7 BABY!! I'm still stoked about that

5. Anything you'd like to add?

Not really. This is the first (Internet) interview I've been
asked to do; it’s a little weird. I never set out to be this
"guru"; although I know that isn't why you're interviewing me.
Things are just transpiring in a way I hadn't even imagined.

I guess I did have something to say, huh? :)

I just want everyone to take a little time every now and again
and remove themselves from the 'rat race' of IM and concentrate
on what they can "give" to the relationships they get involved in
'out here'; as opposed to what they can get out of them. I think
we'd all make bigger strides that way. ::shrug::

Thanks, Diana :)


The Content Desk membership community communicates via their
private forum, virtual conferences, teleconferences, email,
support desk, workshops and new Mentor / Sponsorship Program for
members to team up. Some of their tools are downloads and videos,
while others are online applications and knowledge shared through
learning. Learning is offered in the form of videos, articles,
help texts, tutorials, member sharing and seminars/workshops.

Content Desk membership fees go right back into development of
new software and tools so that members are always on the
cutting-edge and far ahead of all the "point-and-click" site
builders out there.

Cyber-brains behind the Content Desk scene are the “Power Trio;”
Jack Humphrey, Mark Braunstein, and Peter Lenkefi. These three
renowned visionaries found themselves smack dab in the middle of
the emerging, fledgling web publishing industry.


So if you’re interested in taking your business on to victory,
don’t just focus on any old strategy. Learn from the pros. Focus
on the secret strategy taught at West Point, where victory in
business is as important as victory in battle.

“Making the right decisions doesn’t always win the battle.
Sometimes, doing so involves making the right decisions at the
right times.”**

The right place is New Orleans. The right time is Sept. 9-11,
2005, when Content Desk is hosting a 3-day seminar / workshop to
help others learn more and earn more. A full year of support
follow up afterwards is included in the package. The program
focus is, “How To Triple Your Income With Irresistible New
Content Publishing, Traffic Building and Sales Conversion
Techniques - The Three Proven Keys To Internet Success."

"Son of a gun, we're gonna have big fun, on the bayou…”

For more information, visit Mardi Gras . To learn more about Content
Desk and check on the availability of limited openings at Content
Site Builder, visit . Join hundreds
of publishers and writers in creating and syndicating your
content at Content Propulsion Lab .
Visit for help.


* and ** West Point Leadership Lessons (Naperville, IL:
Sourcebooks, Inc 2004), Scott Snair.

By Diana Barnum, president of and CEO of . For more help with marketing, public
relations and writing, email
or call: (614) 529-9459.
Special Note: Content Desk members may replace the affiliate links above with their own affiliate links.

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