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To Hype Or Not To Hype....That Is The Question

By: Michael Lemm

OK...before anybody get's their shorts in a bunch let me make it clear I'm
not advocating hype. Quite the contrary....I hate it. (you out there Jay?

You know the type. "Make a million in your underwear"...."100,000 with no
selling and no sponsoring"...."we build it for you"...yada yada.

But....why do we see so much of it? I don't think you can just shrug it off
to "they don't know any better"....or "their values are lower". It's too prevalent. In fact some so called "gurus" teach it! You know ... the "headlines that sell" type of info products, ezine articles, conference
calls, seminars and such.


Well....I set out awhile back to do a simple little experiment testing
"hype" vs "no hype". I found a few message boards that are really nothing
more than a free for all ... anything goes ... advertising stage (not hard
to find unfortunately). I posted a few ads with catchy (if I do say so myself) hype headlines and content (otherwise known as emotional drivel).

I also continued my normal "tell it like it is" .... "this is the real
truth" marketing habits in my usual locals.

What happened?

To my dismay the hype ads received lots of "hits" and a decent amount of
sign-ups. The honest approach received the usual steady but not "massive"

The results? (pay attention's the moral of the story)

The folks who became customers and sub-agents from the honest upfront
approach....were much fewer in number BUT more solid! The customers were
loyal users and offered referals. The sub-agents actually grasped the
concept that you have to sell product to earn income (hey Junior, it's
called Network Marketing .... not Network Recruiting ... for a reason.
Duh!). Plus those they recruited were brought in under the "honesty" label
too....and were taught to sell also.

Hmmmm....doing things the right way? May be slower (by appearance) but
definitely the kind of structure to build.

The others....those emotional "I'll jump" looking for a good time crowd? How did they fare?

Briefly....they didn't do diddly.

Customers dropped after a short time or never fully activated and paid. The
sub-agents sat on their hands waiting for something to happen. They all had
the attention span of my teenage son on a Friday night... in a theatre full
of equally hormonally challenged teenage girls.

No effort...all looks with no substance.

Now....see the difference?

You may get numbers and "massive growth" from hype....but it's all smoke and mirrors. Don't mean squat.

While the less flashy professional and honest approach gets results. Real
results. It may not make the headlines. But it will sneek up on ya. Before
you know've got a heck of business the others won't have.

It pays to be a tortoise. Plod along to the finish line.

Let the hare run around like a fool. You can send him/her a post card from
your yacht!

......Hope ya learned something....

Be yourself...and have fun.

About the Author

Michael is Moderator for and the owner of FreedomFire
Communications . You can get more MLM tips, wit, and
wisdom from Michael at

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