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Gym Etiquette

By: Cory Taylor

We need to set some rules on how we conduct ourselves while working out.

Gym Etiquette

Today’s society is fatter than ever. It is known that at least 60% of all Americans are overweight. However, there are many people signing up for memberships at their neighborhood gym or commercial gym. Since this is the case, we need to talk about “Gym Etiquette”...things you should be aware of when exercising at your gym.

Rule # 1 - Wipe you salty sweat off of the exercise machine!!

This is the problem that bothers me the most. Some people seem to figure that it is alright not the wipe a machine when they are done with it. One time I was working out and this guy asked to work it with me. I didn’t mind him working in with me at all. BUT after he finished his first set, he left his nasty ole’ sweat on the bench. I was kinda threw back by that. I asked him to get a towel or something to wipe off his sweat.

What is a solution?

Some commercial gyms have a disinfectant spray ro spray on the machines. You can use this after you workout on a machine. You can also place a towel on the machine so your sweat will be absorbed my the towel. This method is short and quick. No more sweaty machines!!!!

Rule #2 - Share the equipment

At times the gym can get really crowded. Gyms usually get crowded around 6-8 PM. When it does become crowded there is a greater probability that 2 or 3 people will want to use a machine at the same time. Sometimes you get that person that is uninviting or doesn’t really want to share the machine. Those type of people remind of that kid in elementary school that didn’t want to share a toy until he/she was tired of it.

What’s the solution?

SHARE!! Everybody wants to work out. I understand you may want to have your rest periods at certain intervals. However, it will not throw your bodybuilding program out of whack if you spare 30-60secs. Additionally, when you are sharing with another person, share the responsibilities of changing the weight. For example, if someone ask to work in with me on the bench-press, I may be lifting more or less than them. Therefore, when we change the weight, I will change one side of the barbell while he changes the other side.

Rule #3 - Using the Mirror

For me, I need to use the mirror for such exercises as curls and shoulder press. One time, I was doing shoulder press (using the mirror). In the middle of a set this man steps in front of me to get some dumbbells and stands there to do his exercise. He may or may not have known that he was blocking my view.

What’s the solution?

We should look and see if we are blocking someone’s view in the mirror. If you are, most likely, the person you are blocking will be looking straight at you in an effort to signal that they are looking at themselves in the mirror.

Rule #4 - Stinky Odors

This is a sensitive subject. We all go to the gym and may sweat up a storm or even develop a little funk. However, there are some people that have an odor before they even start working out. This may be due to having spoiled clothes. Some people try to use their workout clothes as much as possible in a week. Some people just sweat a lot which will bring odors.

What’s the Solution?

If you have a favorite clothing item that you like to where to the gym...hand-wash it the previous night. Gym clothes usually don’t take long to dry. Therefore, they can be hung in your bathroom and ready by the morning. If you tend to sweat a can use one of those body deodorant sprays. They are very effective and smell good.

Hope this has helped someone. If you want to discuss this further we can talk in the message board of

I'll tall to you later ..CT

About the Author

Cory has conducted various research projects in Biochemistry. His B.S. and Masters in Chemistry degress have given him the ability to explain the capabilites of supplements in laymens terms. He has also counseled many people on effective workout routines. You can visit him at

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