Clothing Articles

The Secret to a Prosperous Life, Online or Off - Part 2

By: Mary Wilkey

My next discovery/conclusion was that, if I'm ever to succeed
in accomplishing my income goals online (or off line, for that matter),
I need to first of all decide EXACTLY what I want out of life and
what kind of income I'm trying to establish to fulfill those dreams,
so that I can conjure up a concrete mental picture of it.

You know, there is a story in one of my very favorite books that I
mentioned a couple of issues back. (For those of you who missed
my list of favorite books and would like to have it, just visit the
archives at

In "Riches Within Your Reach," Robert Collier tells about a certain
woman who had lost her job through no fault of her own. A widow,
she was the sole support of her three children and herself, and try as
she might, she'd found it impossible to obtain gainful employment.
She was nearing the end of her rope, her money was about to run out,
and the landlord was threatening eviction.

One day as she set out to look for a job, she happened to stop by a
magazine stand, and her eye was caught by a title about "treasure-mapping"
for success and supply. She was led to buy the magazine, but instead of
looking for work that day, she went home (something totally illogical,
which we'll talk about another time) and devoured the entire magazine
—that attracting article in particular.

Then she dug out a bunch of old papers and set to work to put together
a treasure map—so many things came to her mind to put on it—first,
the little cottage at the edge of town, then the little dress shop she'd
always longed for, then a car—and in that cottage would be a piano
for the girls—and a yard in the back where she could grow flowers—
she worked all day and cut pictures and words and sentences out of
papers and magazines—all connected with the idea of success and

She worked and worked on her treasure map, carefully placing in the
middle of it a picture of a little storeroom, underneath which she
pasted the words "Betty's Style Shop" and pictures of fashionable clothing.
Throughout the treasure map she inserted little mottoes and sayings, all
carrying out the idea of success, abundance, happiness, and harmony, and
she was getting more excited all the while.

She pasted everything onto a large sheet of posterboard and began to
FEEL herself living in the cottage and working in the little dress shop.
She became completely enthralled with her project and tacked the poster
on the wall of her bedroom right in front of the bed, so that it was the
first thing she saw in the morning and the last thing at night.

She vividly SAW herself living her dream: she and the children
laughing and talking in the cottage, arranging the furniture and putting
up curtains; she'd PICTURE her daughters at the piano singing and
playing; she would SEE her son sitting in the little library with books
and papers all around him; she would SEE herself walking around her
shop as people came and went, buying her merchandise, paying her for
it, and leaving happy.

Bottom line, folks, she really GOT INTO IT!!!!

Gradually, she began to understand that the treasure map was but the
means of impressing upon her subconscious mind the pattern from
which to build the conditions of success and harmony into her life.

And she did something else—something most of us fail to do—she began
praising and thanking God that her dreams were ALREADY REALITY!

Stop right there, you say—isn't this just living in some sort of fantasy world?

NO! Because that's how faith and prayer work! Otherwise, where would
faith be? There would be no need for it. You have ABSOLUTELY GOT
TO BELIEVE that your dreams have already been accomplished in the
spiritual dimension. Then HOLD ONTO THAT BELIEF like a guy who's
just slipped over the side of a cliff and has grabbed onto a tree root. Sure
it's painful; sure it's scary; sure there's no VISIBLE help in sight. But would
you rather opt for the alternative? As long as you hold on, you still have hope!

Feel free to reprint the above article with this info intact:
Article penned by Mary Wilkey, publisher of 'elf Expressions Ezine: To subscribe, email me at

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