Clothing Articles

The larger, the better

By: Florie Lyn Masarate

Billboards are found anywhere. When we walk down the street, we see billboards depicting beauty products, fast food chains and clothing stores. When we go to malls, billboards show where we could find this and that department. Billboards are made to help companies advertise their products so people will know about them. And maybe in their consistency and visibility, people would get to memorize and know more about them.

Billboards serve as memorable reminders for the people as they go about their daily lives. Seeing a beautifully done billboard tends to make it be glued in your mind. Once you see something that reminds you of it, you remember how it looked like and what it was it about that billboard.

A badly done billboard, on the other hand, affects people in a negative way but at the same time making it memorable also. You get upset or you do not like what you see but that is what fixed it in your mind. Its difference from other billboards.

Most of the billboards are for advertisement purposes. They promote products by showing the beauty of it via perfect models with their perfect features. It can be noted that the presentation of these billboards are owed to the printing companies that made them using top quality equipments and gadgets.

Some are made for political purposes. Some are even posted to oppose other rivals. Whatever the purpose of these billboards does not matter as long as they become effective people attracting equipments.

Artistic works and graphics design made billboards what they are. By putting their own personal and unique touches, the printing company that does them is putting all their best to make the billboards attract its desired target people. It is also put up as a reminder or a means of communicating what other people want to say to another.

The artists do not just make them for the sake ok making them, they have to think of a good presentation and style for it. The more different, the better. Then they think of strategy in which it will attract people. A way for people to reach out and relate to it. Having billboards for companies does not mean it can make your business. Some can do the opposite. It depends on how people react to what you have posted as billboards.

Billboards can attract or disgust people. Either way, they become effective source of communicators to the people who see them.

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About the Author

The author got her flair for reading when she subscribed to the school newsletter when she was just in kindergarten. She got her first article published on that same newsletter in the third grade.

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